Friday, August 12, 2011

Hypothetical Sport between: Race, Creed, Greed, and More:

On the basketball court is Race, Creed, Color and National Origin, facing their opponents on the other side of the court: Racism, Greed, and Annihilation. Racism has the ball, he passes to Greed, Greed passes to Annihilation, Annihilation throws the ball back to Greed, and Greed shoots and scores a two-pointer. Race has the ball. He passes to Creed, Creed passes the ball back to Race, Race tosses the ball to Color, and Color fakes a throw to National Origin. Instead, Color takes the shot. The ball bounces off of the basket, and Greed picks it up. Greed dribbles past National Origin; he tosses the ball to Racism, Racism runs, dunks and scores another two pointer. No one can keep up with Racism. He quickly steals the ball from Race. … But then Greed steals the ball from his own teammate. Greed nearly tramples over Racism. All of the players step away and slowly walk off the court. The only two players left on the court are Greed and Annihilation. Will they work together, or will they fight until one is still standing? Will Greed overcome Annihilation? Tough call! The other players have vanished from the entire field of play. Annihilation looks angry, very angry.

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