Friday, March 16, 2018

Levitation's Defeat: An American in Mexico

Newest Book from Last Year's Life in Tehuacan, Mexico:

When one is asked to help strengthen an institition, this does not necessarily mean that the individuals involved are interested in making such changes. Miranda is an American teaching at a university in Mexico between 2016 and 2017. Her and Alex are United States Peace Corps Response volunteers in a cultural and professional exchange in the city of Tehuacan. Alex is a New Yorker with some highly interesting friends. Miranda's diverse identity as an adopted American from Russia with indigenous Buryat roots leads her to having to justify her choices in life while teaching responsibly. She learns the challenges that befall the higher educational system in Mexico and is willing to highlight the beauty of the culture and people that are being burdened by modern day politics.

The narrator is a character known as Miranda. She was chosen as a protagonist because several of my lesbian friends shared with me that they do not like to read novels any more because they cannot find protagonists that they can relate to. The author hopes this novel provides enough justice to inspire their voices.

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