Thursday, June 23, 2011


As we have all learned that in the current times Americans, who have a job, are working harder and for less money than they had thirty years ago. The cost of living and inflation has made the value of the dollar go in opposing directions. Not to mention, the stress of the overworked and, the counter, unemployment, have made America a very depressed nation.

If the government wanted to make considerable changes, they could impose lowering the cost of living and deflation on housing and basic needs like food and clothing. Then the next step would be to convince business owners to change the 40+ hour work week to a 32 hour work week. With the extra hours, businesses could be encouraged to hire more staff to lower the unemployment rate.

With the extra day to rest for the overworked, they could spend more time enjoying life, and they would also have more time to spend money on leisure, education, and other consuming options. As well, the newly employed would be able to now afford to consume as well. This would be if the cost of living were low enough not to stress finances. Rather nurturing excessive competition, we could take home less to allow others to have some opportunity, which give both, more time to enjoy the art of living.
However, the lifestyle of the European will not work in America. The 4 day work week and low-cost of living to allow more quality time in society may have logic if our society wasn’t so caught up in the dependency of oil that dictates the cost of all other products, and if the bulk of the business suits were not so damn greedy.

Economic calculation in the end is not Human calculation. But would it really hurt to enjoy three-day weekends all the time and know at the same time your neighbor isn’t out on the street broke. You may not be able to enjoy a luxury car, but you could have the luxury to breathe. With the looks of the current economy, if you are working now anyway, you won’t be able to pay the bills on time.  So the real question is, when will our government start regulating the economy again and get out of big business' pockets? Most likely never without further significant social unrest and by then it would be too late to calculate.

Look out for my future post: Why I am not a Capitalist.

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