Saturday, June 18, 2011

Thoughts on the SlutWalk protests:

So I was intellectually debating the issue over in my mind yesterday, whether the Slutwalk undermines Women's Liberation. I find that the issue is complex. 1) The key is the important issue that anyone should be able dress anyway they want without it leading to another exploiting, raping, or taking advances on her or him: "Never without my Permission". 2) However, my concern comes in that this form of protest in its context still focuses on the visual and the nature of Western Image of women as sex-object, rather than redefining human in-all-forms as individual subjects. 3) This combines my knowledge of the growing protests in the US and globally by Women for equal rights: in Saudi Arabia, Women have recently staged a mass protest in cars by pushing civil-disobedience to overcome the false law that women cannot drive cars, or the recent protests in other Muslim countries. All the while in Congo, the issues of mass rape is nearly a genocide happening as we speak. 

The ISSUE of treatment toward our fellow human beings is Immediate. The More Noise the better, that is why the SlutWalk Protest is important to make noise, but we should also continue beyond the object to reach higher Subjective reality. I recommend the book by Inga Muscio's controversial manifesto "C-nt", She has some great perspectives on "Knowing One-self", "Loving One-self" and "Expressing One-self"; and Eve Ensler's book "Insecure at Last".


  1. I just stumbled across an article by Ariel Levy in Guernica which piqued my interest... she's got a book out there: Female Chauvinist Pigs: Women and the Rise of Raunch Culture. I'm hoping to get my hands on it and see what it might open up in my head about the issue of the sex-object. I'm of the opinion that the sex-object image (specifically, objectification) of women is intricately intertwined in human rights issues, regardless of location and context.

  2. Thanks for the great comment. I'll look into the book F-C-Pigs and see what flies. Keep your thoughts coming. I am always eager to hear your views. Look out for my next post coming soon on updates with SlutWalks, Ukraine, and Civil Disobedience, and more.
